Sunday 20 March 2011

Have sex with Chinese? 你確定要和中國人做愛嗎?

(NEWS) Students are at high risk for AIDS in China
The rate of the people infected by AIDS in China increase 30% every year because Chinese teens are getting more and more open to sex. A survey was held in four high schools in Hunan, China in 2002 : In 825 students, over half of them have experienced coitus, over 30% accept multiple fuckers and affairs outside marriage and 16.9% accept commercial sexual transactions. 

Original texts in Chinese: (新聞節錄) 中國愛滋病病毒感染者的年增長率在30%左右。中國青少年性觀念的日益開放。湖南中南大學湘雅醫學院愛滋病防治實驗室在2002年湖南省內4所高校進行問卷調查,825名受訪學生中超過一半的人認可婚前性行為,超過30%的人認可有多個性伴和婚外情,16.9%的人認可商業性性行為,約10%的人認可同性愛和同性性行為。

(NEWS) China finally admits AIDS has been serious problems
AIDS is the main infectious disease that causes death in China. In the first nine months in 2008, 7000 people, and in the last three years, forty thousand people died from AIDS. This is because a huge number of people from the rural areas are crowding into the cities resulting in uncontrollably numerous sexual transactions.
Original texts in Chinese: (新聞節錄) 態度鬆動 中國坦承愛滋病問題。愛滋已成中國的主要致死傳染病。二○○八年前九個月,就有近七千人死於愛滋病,過去三年,總死亡人數已近四萬人。現在的感染主因包括鄉村人口大批湧進城市所衍生的暢旺性交易活動。

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