Wednesday 23 March 2011

What is the relation between Taiwan and China?

(轉) Mar 22 15:00:28 2011
In class, a classmate asks you to be his underling, otherwise, he'll kick ur ass.

You don't wanna compromise, thus, he picks on you every time:

If you wanna join some fun clubs, he will urge the leaders of the clubs block you very fast with any reasons. 

As you get good grades or win prizes, he uses his special relationship with people, and adds Martin "in 26 party" wins the prize on school magazines. Note that Martin is your name and 26 is his party.

He brainwashes other underlings. Let them think that it's all your fault that you don't wanna join the family of 26 party.

Finally, you are always on tenterhooks; you are afraid of being beaten by him, and repelled by people 'cause other classmates are afraid of 26 party, and no club dares to accept you. However, for those clubs who accept you, they keep asking you to pay club fees as much as possible.   

You and he, which one is China and which one is Taiwan?

Original source:

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