Wednesday 23 March 2011

Call a Taiwanese Chinese is offensive

(轉)  Most Taiwanese are not Chinese.
There are only 10% of the population in Taiwan are immigrants from China.

China and Taiwan are different in histories, cultures, languages, minds and educations.

The most important is some Taiwanese even hate Chinese to death because when Chinese immigrants came to Taiwan 60 years ago, most of them were in armies, and governed Taiwan rudely and cruelly . 

Be careful! It can be very offensive if you call a Taiwanese Chinese. 

How do you let people abase their own cultures? 

This is what Chinese do to Taiwanese people. The below tells you why some Taiwanese people don't know how to speak Taiwanese.

The Chinese forbade the Taiwanese to use their mother tongue, Japanese and Taiwanese, regardless of that these Taiwanese had never used Mandarin before, otherwise they would have to suffer penalties.

The law had got stricter since 1958; in schools, if students spoke their mother tongues, they would be highly fined, punished physically or carried dog tags, and were taught that Taiwanese was low and vulgar. The law lasted 20 years.

Moreover, it was also forbidden to use Taiwanese, either people or the language, on TV. Nowadays, shows that abase Taiwanese still exist.

Even today, Taiwanese speakers can still be discriminated and mocked because of the ideas from the childhood issues in schools and the media, that have already implanted in minds.

Famous keywords:
禁說台語. 掛狗牌.
Original source from NEWs:

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